
Category Archives: Liposuction

1 year ago Liposuction

Do lipomas go away with weight loss?

Lipomas are benign (non-cancerous) tumors made up of fat cells. They are usually soft and round and can be felt under the skin. They are typically small, but can grow to be several inches in diameter. Lipomas can occur anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found on the neck, shoulders, back, and arms.

What are Lipomas

Lipomas are not cancerous and do not usually cause any symptoms. They are usually harmless and do not require treatment, unless they are causing discomfort or interfering with normal function. In these cases, a healthcare provider may recommend surgical removal of the lipoma.

Lipomas are not caused by any specific underlying medical condition, and they are not associated with any particular risk factors. They can occur in people of all ages and fitness levels, and there is no known way to prevent them. If you are concerned about a lipoma, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Does being overweight cause lipomas

Lipomas are not caused by being overweight, and weight loss will not cause them to disappear. However, if you are overweight and you lose weight, it is possible that the size of a lipoma may decrease along with the overall reduction in fat tissue.

It is important to maintain a healthy weight for overall health and well-being. Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing various health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A healthy diet and regular physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Contact Plastic Surgeon for lipoma Treatment

If you are concerned about a lipoma, it is important to speak with a Plastic surgeon for proper diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, lipomas may need to be removed surgically if they are causing discomfort or if they are located in an area that interferes with normal function.

Can lipomas be removed through weight loss?

Lipomas cannot be removed through weight loss. If you are concerned about a lipoma, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, lipomas may need to be removed surgically if they are causing discomfort or if they are located in an area that interferes with normal function.

Is it possible to prevent lipomas by maintaining a healthy weight?

Lipomas are not caused by being overweight, and maintaining a healthy weight will not prevent them from developing. However, maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and well-being. Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing various health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A healthy diet and regular physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight.

What are some other ways to treat lipomas?

In addition to surgical removal, lipomas can be treated with liposuction or injectable medications. Your healthcare provider can help you determine the best treatment option for your specific case.

Can Lipoma be stopped with exercise?

Lipomas are not caused by lack of exercise, and exercise will not prevent them from developing or cause them to disappear.

However, regular physical activity is important for overall health and well-being. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of developing certain health conditions, and improve your mental health and quality of life.

If you are concerned about a lipoma, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, lipomas may need to be removed surgically if they are causing discomfort or if they are located in an area that interferes with normal function.

It is also important to note that lipomas are not a sign of poor health or a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices. They can occur in people of all ages and fitness levels, and there is no known way to prevent them.


What Are 3 Popular Procedures for Middle Aged Individuals? 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a supermodel or a super athlete. Every face and body undergoes general signs of aging. Some of the changes that middle-aged individuals begin to notice include facial sagging and loss of volume, stubborn areas of fat that won’t budge even after diet and exercise, and loose skin that lacks collagen and elasticity. The great news is that beauty science has advanced to a sophisticated, aesthetic degree, and there are excellent cosmetic procedures that can transform your face and body and deliver that revitalized and youthful appearance you desire.

1. Liposuction

Liposuction or lipo is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that can benefit middle-aged people who struggle with fat pockets that won’t go away no matter how strict their diet and fitness routines encompass. The surgery not only can slim your body but can sculpt your silhouette by removing excess fat deposits and re-shaping your body’s contours and proportions. The technique vacuums or sucks the fat out from beneath the skin’s surface to reduce fullness.


Liposuction is also versatile and can be used to address these areas of concern, including the arms; waist; hips; thighs; knees; back; buttocks; face, and neck.


According to data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, liposuction remains one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures globally. Lipo makes up 15.1% of total aesthetic surgeries (2020).


Following liposuction, the patient will have swelling and bruising, and that is not unusual. As healing takes place, most patients find that their activity levels return to normal within about six weeks.

2. Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery is also known as blepharoplasty and is another popular cosmetic procedure for middle-aged individuals. As general aging occurs, the upper eyelid skin begins to droop or sag and can make you look older. The lower eyelids can also sag and even develop bags under them.


The eyes are one of the first features on the face to lose their youthfulness due in part to their thin and delicate skin.


During a blepharoplasty, your skilled surgeon will perform this cosmetic procedure by cutting into the creases of your eyelids to trim sagging skin and muscle and remove excess fat. Then, your surgeon will rejoin the skin with tiny, dissolving stitches.


Some mature patients also find eyelid surgery as an excellent solution for restoring the medical function of their eyes by removing excess skin that is impeding their vision.


Post-eyelid surgery, the patient can expect swollen and bruised skin around the eyes for about one to three weeks. Most patients return to their normal activities within 10 days. The final results will be apparent in one to three months.

3. Facelift

A facelift, or meloplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves the visible signs of aging in the face and neck and can transform a middle-aged individual’s appearance.


As aging continues, the face and neck develop sagging, a deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corners of the mouth, jowls along the cheek and jaw area, loss of volume in the facial contours, and excess fat around the neck causing a double chin.


A facelift focuses on the bottom two-thirds of the face and often the neck or décolletage and is designed to restore natural-looking youthfulness.


These days, there are several facelift types available, but generally speaking, during a facelift, your surgeon will lift your facial soft tissues, remove excess skin and drape your “new” tightened skin back over the newly repositioned contours.


Post-surgery, the patient can expect to have a swollen, bruised, and tender face for about two weeks. Also, it is recommended to avoid doing any heavy lifting or bending over for those first two weeks. The full recovery time is about three to four weeks.


You don’t have to be a famous person to want to maintain your attractiveness and an ageless appearance. Just because you are a middle-aged individual does not mean having to stare back at wrinkles, folds, jowls, a double chin, or a body with stubborn fat areas. Today’s modern cosmetic surgery procedures are impressive and deliver exceptional results. Make a consultation, and see what’s available for you.

4 years ago Liposuction

What You Should Know About Liposuction Surgery

Are you thinking about getting liposuction to reduce stubborn areas of fat?  If you are, it’s important to be well-informed about liposuction surgery, so you know what to expect during and after the operation.  Having this information will enhance your liposuction surgery experience and ensure safety and optimal results. But what should you know about liposuction surgery? 

9 Things You Should Know About Liposuction Surgery

  1. What Is Liposuction Surgery
  2. Types of Liposuction Procedures
  3. Who Is A Good Candidate?
  4. Are There Any Risks
  5. How To Prepare For Liposuction Surgery
  6. What To Expect After Surgery?
  7. How long Is Recovery from Liposuction?
  8. When Will You See Results?
  9. What Happens If You Gain Weight After Liposuction?

What Is Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction surgery is a procedure that is done to remove stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.  It fine-tunes the figure by removing isolated pockets of fat, so it is therefore not a weight loss solution, or substitute for exercise.  Patients can expect to lose inches in the treated areas after liposuction, so their clothes will fit a lot better.

Liposuction can be performed on almost every part of the body but the most common areas treated are the back, abdomen, thighs, and neck.

Type Of Liposuction Procedures

Liposuction has been revolutionized in recent years thanks to techniques such as tumescent liposuction and vaser liposuction.  These procedures are safer and have fewer complications than traditional liposuction. 

  • Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is the most common type of liposuction performed in the US.  It involves the use of a tumescent solution that is injected into the treatment sites at the start of the procedure.  The tumescent solution is a mix of local anesthetic, sterile saline, and epinephrine, which is a drug that constricts the blood vessels and decreases blood loss.  

Once the targeted area is infused with the tumescent solution, tiny incisions are made through which a cannula (small tube) is inserted beneath the skin.  The cannula is moved back and forth to loosen the unwanted fat deposits, which are removed with an integrated suction device. 

  • Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction or ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound energy to liquefy fat cells removed during liposuction.  The probe transmits ultrasonic waves that target and liquefy the fat cells, without affecting the surrounding tissues.  

The liquefied fat is removed from the body using a light suction device.  Tumescent solution is also administered at the start of vaser liposuction. Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that causes less trauma to the tissues, and requires less downtime.  

Your plastic surgeon will assess your specific needs and determine which liposuction technique would be most suitable for you.   The technique chosen will depend on the site being treated and the volume of fat to be removed. 

Who is a good candidate?

The best candidates for liposuction are adults that work out regularly but have a few areas of localized fat they are unable to reduce with diet and exercise.  

Candidates for liposuction should also be generally healthy and at a stable weight.  Ideal candidates should also have relatively elastic skin, good muscle tone, and realistic expectations about the procedure.   

Patients that meet these criteria typically get the best results.

Are There Any Risks

Liposuction is a surgical procedure so there are inherent risks, but these are minimized in the hands of a skilled, experienced surgeon.  If you are considering liposuction, it’s therefore critical to select a board-certified plastic surgeon with a reputation for achieving excellent liposuction results. 

How To Prepare For Liposuction Surgery

Patients are typically given instructions concerning how to prepare for surgery, at least 2 weeks prior.   You will have to get routine lab tests done, as well as a medical examination to verify that you are ready for surgery.   

Your doctor will also ask you to:

  • Stop smoking.  This is an important step because nicotine can delay healing and increase post-surgical risks.     
  • Stop taking certain medications.  Doctors advise patients to stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, non-prescription medications, and herbal supplements, at least 2 weeks before surgery.   
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.  Alcohol can thin the blood and negatively impact healing. 
  • Arrange with someone to take you home after surgery.  You should arrange to have a family member or friend take you home and stay with you the night of surgery.  

What to Expect After Surgery?

After liposuction, patients can expect to see some swelling and bruising.  They may also feel mild pain and soreness in the treatment area. Patients usually need to wear support in the form of a compression garment, which will help to minimize swelling and contour the body.  A compression garment is typically worn for about 2-6 weeks, depending on the extent of the procedure.

 Most patients can return to work within 5-7 days of surgery and resume normal activities within 7 days.   However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least 4 weeks. 

How Long is Recovery From Liposuction?

Recovery after liposuction varies for each patient because factors such as the volume of fat removed, and the type of liposuction procedure performed, can affect healing time.  However, most patients take about 1-2 weeks to recover. 

When Will You See Results?

Due to the swelling patients experience after liposuction, it can take several months to see the final results.  However, there will be some visible improvement in body contours a few weeks after surgery.  

What Happens If You Gain Weight After Liposuction?

If patients gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, relatively little fat will be distributed in the treated areas since there are fewer fat cells there.  However, fat will accumulate in the areas that were not treated with liposuction.  

Would you like to learn more about liposuction surgery?  Search our directory to find a practice in your area. 

If you are in the Beverly Hills, CA and surrounding areas, Rodeo Surgical Arts is our featured practice. 

You can reach them at or by calling (310) 289-3339.

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