
What is the Difference between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

When it comes to cosmetic surgeries and procedures it is easy to get confused with some common terms. One of the areas of most confusion is the difference between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction. Some people believe that they are the same thing, in that they both make a tummy smaller and, in this respect, they are not wrong. However, a tummy tuck and liposuction are both different procedures that reach the same or similar conclusion. 

Two broad differences between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

First things first, both a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction are procedures performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon. Both procedures carry their own risks and benefits that your consultant should explain to you in full when recommending one other the other. However, in a nutshell there are two broad and clear differences between the two.

Liposuction:  A procedure that removes small deposits of fat in the body often carried out on the hips, thighs, bottom, or stomach.

Tummy Tuck:  A procedure that removes stubborn excess fat and skin that exercising and healthy diet cannot remove

Knowing the basic differences between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction it now easier to decide which procedure is best for whom and for what.

Tummy Tuck

A Tummy Tuck does not just remove fat from the stomach and surrounding areas it also removes excess skin. If your body has had considerable weight change the skin stretches and once fat is removed, the skin that sometimes loses elasticity does not relax back to the shape of the abdomen. With a Tummy Tuck the rectus abdominus (the muscles used when sitting up) are pulled back together leaving a flatter and more contoured, even toned stomach. The procedure is generally a once off procedure with little more than a follow up a few weeks later.

The tummy tuck procedure sounds amazing, and in the right hands for the right person it often is. However, there are some things to consider when opting for a tummy tuck that may make you consider liposuction or an alternative solution. A Tummy tuck not suitable for people who:

  • Have a BMI higher 30
  • Are planning to fall pregnant 
  • Are actively trying to lose weight and keep fit
  • Have a heart or cardio-vascular condition

If you fall into these categories Liposuction may be the better procedure for you


Liposuction sounds revolting but it is a generally safe and non-problematic procedure that aims to improve the appearance, size, and look of targeted areas. The procedure has been developed to remove those stubborn areas of fat, dead fat as some people call them, that no amount of exercise or dieting seems able to get rid of or reduce. By making small incisions in the skin a surgeon breaks up the fat cells then sucks them out with the equivalent of a surgical vacuum cleaner. This procedure only removes fat and no skin is removed meaning liposuction is better suited to individuals with tight abdominal muscles and are perhaps of a more normal body weight. 

A liposuction procedure generally takes around and hour to perform and is often performed under general anaesthetic. Small areas can be operated on and in these small procedures a local anaesthetic may well be used.

While an overnight stay in hospital is recommended full recovery can take between two and six weeks. Furthermore, to remove all the desired fat Liposuction is often a series of between 4 and 8 procedures over a period of time. Liposuction can also be used to remove fat from other areas of the body.

Results and Side-effects

The results of either a Tummy Tuck or Liposuction are not very different as they both result in a flatter stomach. With that in mind there are some minor differences and a couple of considerations

Tummy Tuck

Considered to be a permanent solution the procedure is well known to strengthen the abdominal muscles and develop and stronger abdominal wall. Where the skin has been removed it will remain tight and firm unless your weight increased considerably or your fall pregnant.


Again, as with a Tummy Tuck, Liposuctions is said to be permanent, however when weight is gained will be gained in not always be gained in the areas treated. However, a wonderfully flat and well-proportion midsection is very much what is gained.

Both procedures have mild side-effects and the potential of some complications. Tummy Tucks carry considerably more complications than many other forms of cosmetic surgery and these and infection are common reasons for patients being readmitted to hospital. Among other risks the following are somewhat more common:

  • Changes in sensation
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Tissue necrosis

With Liposuction the risk of complication increases because the procedure is performed on a relatively large area of the stomach. Potential risks with liposuction include:

  • Numbness
  • Contour irregularities
  • Fluid accumulation


The recovery periods for a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction are both different. Both often requite patients to wear a pressure garment to help the recovery but to summarise the general recover for each is as follows:

Tummy tuck

With a tummy tuck you will have a surgical dressing that will need to be replaced several times by your surgeon. Painkillers will be prescribed but you should be up and about within a day or so. Many patients have a surgical drain for at least two weeks during early recovery.

Recovery takes about 6 to 8 weeks and during this time there will be frequent follow ups with the surgeon to monitor the healing process. Activity should be avoided during recovery until such point as your specialist says you can.


The recovery period for liposuction is far shorter than a tummy tuck as the procedure is far less invasive. Liposuction recovery time depends on how many areas were treated and whether or not further sessions are required. Generally, a patient can resume normal life after just 48 hours; however excessive exercise or heavy lifting should be avoided.


In conclusion, before opting for either a tummy tuck or liposuction careful consideration should be given. Professional medical advice is always recommended, and a second opinion may also be wise.

Author Bio: Dr Ron Goedeke is a cosmetic physician who has been involved in cosmetic medicine since 1997. Liposuction is what Dr Ron specialises in, as the only surgical procedure he performs. 

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